Friday, May 27, 2011

Mister Freedom Venice Beach CA.

If your ever in Veince check out Bazar on Abbot Kinney you wont be disappointed.

Water puddle

Photo from a group being called the Venice Beach Project... Pretty much just biking around town and taking pictures. This all started when a friend asked if I would like to do the once a month Venice Art Crawl... We'll see maybe next month

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Venice Beach Project 17th and Pacific

Looking over some pics from a video shot we had the other week. Really excited about the out come of the video, got news from Shotgun that its going to be a scored short... not a bad call SH

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Doctor

Ive been a fan of this man for as long as I can remember defiantly my teens... his books still hit me the way they did when I was a punk...Im still one don't let me fool you. Once a punk always a punk.